
Monday, 13 October 2008


However much I like Cafe Oto I am quite excited to program an event in a different venue just for the ride. I'm inviting you to the charming church hall in Exmouth Market thrice blessed by the presence of David Stackenas, Frederic Blondy and Will Guthrie.

I'm double excited by the fact that the event will present music and films. Indeed Mathias Forge, french trombone player, is coming to London in the same period as Dirk De Bruyn, filmmaker from Australia.

All this is happening with fairly short notice as it's going to take place on Sunday the 2nd of November.

Short notice, visiting film and music artists and a different space, it could be a defining event of what I want to do - if ever the audience attend to it.




Unknown said...

hi olivier,,,,
this is a great lineup!

i really love dirk's work and especially his more recent screaming and moaning performances...

how did you like sally's work last may/june....?

all the best,

joel stern

olivier said...

Hey Joel,

The compliment goes to you first, I was only repeating your line-up.

The night went well. Dirk seemed to have enjoyed the show and the daring mix of music and film didn't feel odd... to people who staid till the end.

Hope you're well.

