
Friday, 4 December 2009

How long did I managed to hold it?
A eight months break wasn't bad but more gigs are coming my way at the moment.

The next one should be again done at very short notice so please spread the word of it as much as possible.

Mathias Forge is back again, hitting a good average of two UK visits a year now. He's coming with the most interesting trio he's got with Christine Sehnaoui and Olivier Toulemonde which has to be at least as good as it looks: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiiNicxRzsrT57R8U_zTi6q8v-pTbm1sQ4BBDRtM4cPSQv9lJJkZUNCF8DDkEgNT1gW1mFm-KeJUMac7RDtzzUFQ4DggwzQ5K3yjsA0urU1WtkWOCQ5XWVRMRLP9OcOg5-K5683raT5rxrc/s1600-h/chapo.JPG

I'm trying to find a new venue to host this beauty.

More soon.

Hope you've been keeping well.

